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Environmental Stewardship

When your business is dependent on maintaining the natural beauty of a place, a shift occurs in

your thinking. As a part of St. John, A House of Open Arms has a strong commitment to minimizing its impact on the natural world. I strive to keep the Virgin Islands virginal. In order to help with this process, the Villa and Cottage feature:

A total of 15 high capacity solar panels for generating electricity, solar-powered water pump, and solar-powered water heating system. I have a 22000 gallon cistern that catches the rain from off the roof and is purified by 2 4 filter purification systems including UV and carbon filters. I also have a wastewater treatment on site .Warm CFLs are throughout my home throughout with extensive use of natural plants which grow naturally here without the use of pesticides.

In addition to solar powered electricity, the Villa and Cottage are connected to the Virgin Islands Power Authority. This allows for the addition of Air conditioning in both the Villa and Cottage so that my guests can sleep according to their comfort level.

Keep in mind that, as with most small islands, the power company generates its electricity using massive diesel generators as well as propane, VI Power Authority often has trouble keeping up with demand. As a result, the Villa and Cottage both store some of the solar power they generate in a bank of batteries.

A House of Open Arms combines the best of environmentally conscientious design with modern comforts. Book a visit to see how well you can live while staying in balance with the world around you!

Questions? Please call or email Catherine:

(340) 513-7199

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